Web Performance Consulting: Professional analysis and individual recommendations


KPI measurement, analysis, derivation of todos
  • KPI measurement for 1 page/template
  • Definition of specific target values for the individual KPIs
  • Google PageSpeed, Web Vitals & loading time
  • Derivation of optimization measures
  • Prioritization of the recommendations
  • Identification of quick wins
  • Visualization of the findings
  • Presentation of results (video conference or telephone call)


Detailed specification of the measures
Cost estimate possible after audit
  • Detailed specification for all performance tickets
  • Objective: Concrete definition of the desired result
  • Provision of code snippets
  • Entering tickets in the ticket system
  • Provision of helpful resources and documentation
  • Examples of tools or methods for validation


Web Performance Consulting
Fixed monthly quota of hours
flexible fee/hour
  • Advice on PageSpeed, Web Vitals & loading time
  • Acceptance of implemented tickets / measures
  • Communication with implementing IT
  • Fixed specialist as contact person
  • Can be canceled monthly at any time

All prices excl. 19 % VAT.