Web performance monitoring: Continuous monitoring of loading times

As a load time optimization expert, I understand that continuously monitoring and improving the performance of your website is crucial. Through my web performance monitoring, you can ensure that your website is continuously optimized to ensure maximum performance and user satisfaction.

Monitoring & Reporting

Google Looker Studio Dashboard
free of charge for all customers
  • Web performance dashboard available 24/7
  • Field data (Google CrUX)
  • Laboratory data (Lighthouse) and recommendations
  • Data from RUM tracking tool
  • No setup costs

Monitor Core Web Vitals, Google PageSpeed and load time

By continuously monitoring and optimizing your load times, you can ensure that your website always offers maximum performance. Website performance monitoring and reporting is an included service for my clients free of charge.

What does web performance monitoring offer?

Web performance monitoring and reporting is a holistic approach to the continuous improvement of your website load times. I offer comprehensive monitoring and regular reporting that is always available, to identify and resolve potential problems at an early stage. Monthly reporting gives you clear insights into the performance of your website and allows you to see the effect after the optimizations have been carried out.

Field data from the Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX)

The reporting contains field data from the Google CrUX dataset. This provides insights into the real user experience in terms of speed when using the website and during the loading process.

Field data from Google Lighthouse and implementation recommendations

Data from the classic Google PageSpeed analysis completes the comprehensive web performance dashboard.

Real-time user data from real user monitoring (RUM)

By using Real User Monitoring (RUM), I analyze the actual user behavior on your website. This enables us to respond specifically to the needs of your users and continuously improve the user experience. We can then display the data from the RUM tool together with the other KPIs in your web performance dashboard.

No obligations: Can be canceled at any time

Flexibility is important to me. You can terminate your cooperation with me at any time without having to make any long-term commitments. This gives you full control over your service and your expenses.

Why should you use web performance monitoring?

Continuous improvement: Through continuous monitoring and reporting, you can ensure that your website is always up to date and continuously improved.

Effective communication: I communicate effectively with your IT department to ensure that all measures are implemented smoothly and maximum results are achieved.

Flexibility: With our monthly termination option, you have full flexibility to adjust or cancel your service at any time, depending on your needs.

I have been working as a technical SEO consultant since 2009. My background as a business IT specialist and web developer enables me to help marketing specialists and programmers in various company sizes and agencies to implement load time optimization for websites with high performance.