Christian Schreiber

Web Performance Consultant


What is AVIF?

AVIF stands for AV1 Image File Format. It is a modern picture format based on the AV1 codec, which was originally developed for video compression. AVIF is a highly efficient format for storing images and makes it possible to save high-quality images in a much smaller file size than conventional formats such as JPEG or PNG.

How does AVIF differ from other image formats?

Compared to older formats such as JPEG and PNG, AVIF offers several advantages:

Smaller file sizes: AVIF can significantly reduce the file size, resulting in a faster loading time for your website.
Higher image quality: Despite the reduction in file size, the image quality is maintained or even improved.
HDR support: AVIF supports High Dynamic Range (HDR), which results in more vivid and high-contrast images.
Transparency and animations: AVIF supports transparency and can be animated like GIFs, but with significantly better compression.

Why is AVIF important for load time optimization?

Optimizing the loading time of a website is crucial for the user experience and the ranking in search engines. Images often account for most of the loading time, and this is where AVIF plays a key role. By using AVIF, images can be loaded faster, which improves the overall performance of your website.

How does the use of AVIF influence the Core Web Vitals?

Core Web Vitals are metrics from Google that evaluate the user experience of a website. The use of AVIF can have a positive impact on these metrics:

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): AVIF can shorten the time it takes to load the largest visible element.
Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): As AVIF images load faster, they reduce the likelihood of layout shifts.
First Input Delay (FID): Faster loading pages lead to better interactivity and less delay in the first user input.

How can AVIF be integrated into your web strategy?

There are several approaches to using AVIF effectively:

Conversion of existing images: Use tools and plugins to convert your existing images to AVIF format.
Server-side implementation: Use server-side solutions that automatically deliver the best image version for the respective browser.
Check compatibility: Ensure that your server and users have AVIF support enabled. Not all browsers support AVIF, so a fallback solution for older formats is important.

Which tools and plugins support AVIF?

There are numerous tools and plugins available to help you integrate AVIF into your web strategy:

Image editing programs: Software such as Adobe Photoshop and GIMP now support AVIF directly.
Online converters: Websites such as Squoosh and Cloudinary offer simple options for converting your images.
Content Delivery Networks (CDNs): Some CDNs, such as Cloudflare and Akamai, offer support for AVIF and ensure that your images are delivered efficiently.

What are the best practices for using AVIF?

To get the best out of AVIF, you should observe the following best practices:

Use fallback formats: Make sure that your website provides older image formats such as JPEG or PNG for browsers that do not yet support AVIF.
Optimize the image size: Even with AVIF, you should adjust the image size to the requirements of your website.
Test regularly: Regularly check the compatibility and performance of your website with different browsers and devices.

How do you test AVIF on your website?

To ensure that AVIF works correctly on your website, you can take the following steps:

Compatibility check: Use tools such as BrowserStack or LambdaTest to check how your website is displayed in different browsers and versions.
Measure loading time: Use tools such as Google PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix to analyze the loading times of your images.
Gather feedback: Gather feedback from real users to assess the impact of AVIF implementation on the user experience.

What are the advantages of AVIF for SEO and performance?

AVIF can contribute significantly to improving SEO and website performance:

Better rankings: Faster loading pages are preferred by search engines, which leads to better rankings.
Higher user satisfaction: Less loading time means that users stay on your site longer and are less likely to bounce.
Less bandwidth: Smaller image files reduce bandwidth costs and the load on your servers.

How does AVIF contribute to sustainable web development?

By reducing file sizes, AVIF also contributes to sustainability:

Less energy consumption: Faster loading times lead to lower energy consumption on both the server and the user side.
Efficient data transfer: Smaller file sizes mean that less data has to be transferred over the Internet, which reduces the load on the network infrastructure.

Conclusion: Why should you use AVIF?

AVIF offers a variety of benefits for optimizing your website load time and improving the user experience. By reducing file sizes and supporting modern image technologies, AVIF helps to shorten loading times and improve core web vitals. Integrating AVIF into your web strategy can therefore make a significant difference to the performance and SEO rankings of your website. It is an essential step in keeping up with the latest web standards and user expectations.


AVIF reduces the file size and improves the image quality.
It contributes to the optimization of the Core Web Vitals.
The use of AVIF can shorten the loading time and improve SEO rankings.
Recommendation: Implement AVIF on your website to optimize performance and increase user satisfaction. Use tools and plugins to convert your existing images and make sure your website is compatible with all browsers.

Professional optimization of website load time, Google PageSpeed Score and Web Vitals